Sunday, August 29, 2010
When I die, I want to come back as a beautiful piece of vinyl.
Do you have a large collection of music? I do. But in 2010, anybody can have one for only $9.95 a month.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Brian Bell hates the new Weezer album. Oh, and it's named for the clothing company. Puke and barf all over Rivers effing Cuomo.
The Power of Punk: Ted Leo and the Pharmacists hit Broadway
Monday, August 23, 2010
The video for the new Thermals single "I Don't Believe You" has significantly affected me.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Teenage Fanclub - Like a Virgin
Download now or listen on posterous
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
I thought "The Perfect Drug" would be the last song I heard tonight. Until I got this email from Soundgarden...
I kind of feel bad for this lonely lobster
Gallagher, Vanilla Ice and Tila Tequila: The Gathering of the Juggalos gets wild
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Cut Chemist is on another level, and needs only a single wheel of steel to prove it.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Despite Pete Townsend's once desperate screech, getting old isn't a numbers game. It's about being out of touch.
Andy Rooney said something recently about having no idea about Lady Gaga and what she's about. He thought it was ok though because kids today don't know who Ella Fitzgerald is.
That's crap.
The first hand of #blackjack in Coconut Creek, with David Cassidy
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Jack White rules because he wants you to experience his music.
Queens of the Stone Age - Born To Hula
Download now or listen on posterous
If Dave Grohl were playing drums on "Born to Hula," the world would have been freaking out about it. But since "Ode to Clarissa" has a better hook, "Born to Hula" gets left in the dust when it finally sees the light of day - despite the fact that it would have been one of the notable tracks on Songs for the Deaf.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
The Arcade Fire - Empty Room
So, I got drunk and listened to the new Arcade Fire album tonight. I've been listening to The Suburbs since the second it leaked, but tonight was different. Not only was I less than sober but I've read several reviews of it now, most notably the one on Pitchfork. Now look, I'm a fan of the 'Fork, and I really love this album - I'd say it's a solid 7.0 instead of an 8.7 - but that's basically arguing semantics. Brilliant is brilliant, right? Everybody, and I mean everybody, seems to agree that this uber-talented group of Canucks has done it again. Like each of the first two records, this one just gets better with every listen. But let me lay this out, because I'm sure the music-loving masses will follow the P-Fork lead: This thing sounds nothing like Springsteen. I know it's hip to give The Boss his due in indie circles these days but come the fuck on. Wiiiiin sounds nothing like Bruuuuuce. Not in vocal or in lyric. No doubt, The Suburbs is a concept album focused on modern life. Part of its resonance, and I think this because I can identify, is that most of the people who will embrace this thing grew up in a relatively gentrified suburban area. It is, to put it simply, about us. Our past and future, both inside and outside, this is one of those albums that is a reflection. In that way, it just might be Springsteen-like. But that's a stretch, and that's about it. I posted "Empty Room" pretty arbitrarily and mostly because it kicks and rolls, from opening violins to fade-out-that-should-be-a-sudden-stop ending. I could just have easily picked "Wasted Hours," because it's the track that really hit home and roped me in, but I wrote most of this after several pints of PBR (How hipster am I?) and I wanted a barn burner. Sue me. Just acquire, listen to and enjoy the album. Trust me, it's worth however long it takes you to download it and whatever you pay for it.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
I woke up this morning, and got myself a tweet. And a Spoon video.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Beck - Lord Only Knows
Beck has soul. The guy who sang about Sexx Laws and wrote lyrics about cheese whiz has soul. And I don't need to post something off the self-wallowing Sea Change to prove it, because "Lord Only Knows" is clear as day on that fact.