Semi - Productive by Reaganomics
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There's a cover band called The Reaganomics. I have no idea what they sound like and I have no intention of finding out. Not since I discovered these four guys from Illinois, anyway.
Conjuring the part of the attitude of Blink-182 that doesn't involve girls or anything serious, and also ditching the pop edge in favor of a Bouncing Souls playful-hardcore feeling and Off With Their Heads vocal growl that is actually two voices a la, well, Blink, The Reaganomics are the new fun boys of punk.
New album Lower The Bar is due out on February 15, so all I've got is the 17-track, 21-minute debut Get Lost Stay Lost. It flies by faster than you can say "what the shit is that guy singing about." Listened to it four times today and twice last night. That wasn't enough, but I'll make up for it this weekend and next week.
Since it's Friday and all, the beer-and-television laze of "Semi-Productive" beat out the perfect piss-off-ness of "Smug Punx" and wouldn't-that-be-nice-for-life "My Best Friend Is A Bear." Really, I wavered between those three tracks. Come on, being friends with a bear despite the fact that he wants to chew your legs off, and noting that it's better than the real world? That's the stuff that superstardom is made of.
At some point, they're going to have to add some mental substance to the early-Fat Mike "eat me" of their lyrics if for no other reason than the perfect name. These guys are cynical and punk as fuck though so who cares. Enjoy.
Buy Get Lost Stay Lost at Amazon.
Stream some of Lower The Bar at Punknews.
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