Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday = 99 Problems?

It may be halfway through the day but it's never too late to for a little hip hop to help close it out. Get these pounding out of your desk speakers - they'll either clear the crowd from in front of you or at least get them distracted enough for you to run. Even better, they're remixes - it's not like you don't know these songs already.

SHAM SHAM "99 Hearts (Jay-Z vs. Architecture In Helsinki)"

There's been a lot of remixes of "99 Problems" but this is one of the best. The bouncy beat doesn't take away from how pointed Jigga's rhymes are on here.
(via Music Like Dirt)

3OH!3 "Don't Trust Me (Remix feat. Kid Cudi)"

Any two douches can make music now, and any of those douches - 3OH!3 included - probably don't even get 15 minutes in the limelight. But even with mostly mediocre beats, the rhymes are more than clever and these guys do some true entertaining. Kid Cudi is good as usual on this remix, but I just keep saying the same thing I said the first time I heard the song - it's got one of the best repeating breakdowns ever:

Shush girl

Shut your lips

Do the Hellen Keller

And talk with your hips

Brilliant. Vulgarity wins every time. (via RCRD LBL)